Penny Sorting and Searching
Here is a starter video showing the box set up for sorting pennies. I will be posting a series of short videos about how to get started sorting and searching pennies for errors. You can also visit I do have one sort box set for sale. Pls contact me if interested.
Playing Diablo 2
I am restarting game play in Diablo 2 with expansion pack: Lord of Destruction. It’s an online game that I played years ago. Diablo 3 is a flop. When it came out in 2012 I tried it but didn’t like it and stopped gaming for a while.
I play D2 for several reasons. The most important is the team play. It is instructive and challenging to work as a group. It involves many different skills and is generally more fun. That said, there are things to be learned in solo, and it is a good idea to start in solo mode to get the lay of the land. As you get to know the basic working of the commands and how to move about, you can join in with more experienced players and you will be amazed…at how helpful people are, how much you learn and how fascinating this game really is.
We use computer gaming as a learning tool and not as a shoot-em-up. Cooperation and gaming skills are what we are developing. In reality, everyone is a newbie and we aim to help each other. We always try to keep a level playing field.
When you get into a game for the first time it is bewildering. Here is a good place to go to get help. Gamexx Newbie tutorials.
A basic first skill of playing with a group is to learn how to stay with the group. For this you will need your map overlay on. Figure out how to use the map (use the “tab” key or see the “H” help screen) and you are ready to go. This doesn’t mean that you fixate on the map, but use it as an aid.
At first, don’t try to fight, don’t build up your character or engage any of the big monsters, don’t run around too much looking for loot or drops, just stay with the group. You will move right along nicely as the big guys take care of the monsters. Remember this is your first character. It will die many times. Don’t worry about building it up or getting all the right equipment. Just stay with the group – the pack of green x’s on your map overlay screen. That’s D2 lesson 1.
Setting up your WordPress site #2 – next steps
Now that you have either setup a site OR have your site set up with WordPress platform installed through Bluehost, you are ready to add content and/or a shop. But wait! There are a few more small, well, adjustments that you are going to want to make. This is the point where things can get out of hand, but we won’t let it.
So lets get ready to install some plug ins.
Oh wait, did I tell you that there’s some good news? The good news is that you don’t have to worry about this if you are using a site. Yes, you heard me correctly. Beginners get a free pass on this one. So, even if you are trying self hosting, If you have any hesitations at this point and feel like this plugin thing might be a bit too much, head back to, register a name and start there. Otherwise, forge on!
There are hundreds of plugins for wordpress and generally they are pretty easy to install. You can find a lot of conflicting information about which ones to put on your site and much does depend on how you are going to use it. Bluehost makes some pithy recommendations on their optimization page, and has TONS of information generally in forums. But here’s a tip. Dive in and see what you find. Go to google and type in something like “wordpress essential plugins” and a whole new world will open up right in front of your very eyes.
Or not. If you don’t want to take the time and just want to get up and rolling, here is a list of the most basic necessary plugins as far as I can tell as of February, 2015.
Go to plugins – add new, and either use search or go to “popular” and you will find the plugins listed below. Of course at this time I have to add a disclaimer about these not being the only plugins, please add according to what you find as necessary, etc etc. This is just a place to start.
Absolutely necessary Plugins
- Akismet – everyone seems to agree that this is an essential plugin. It will keep spam comments from mucking up your site.
- WP DB Manager
- Either WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache
- Either All in one SEO or WP SEO Yoast
- Jetpack
- Google XML sitemap
- Woo Commerce (if you are going to have a shop)
Setting a static page as your front page
If you want a website with a front page that looks like a website, doesn’t show your blogroll and stays the same you will need to create some pages (including what will be your new front/welcome page). These pages will include your content and/or the items of your shop*.
You will see that the titles of your pages will be displayed on top of all of the pages of your site so that people can find them. This is a good thing, but don’t depend on folks to actually use these buttons to navigate your site.
Put internal links in your site to go from page to page. Put widgets in your widget area (generally along the side) so that people have other navigation options. Use SEO keywords in your posts and titles and people will find the individual pages directly from google.
To actually set the front page go to “settings” then “reading” in your dashboard. You can set the page that people will see when they visit your site, or
Make sure that you watch the Bluehost video series to learn more about next steps.
Creating a website #1 – first steps
If you want to start a website and/or shop and have limited technical ability then you’ve come to the right place. In the next few blogs I will guide you through set up and tweaking of a WordPress based website.
Setting up a website with WordPress is easy. There are basically two ways that you can go,* and how you proceed depends on your basic skill level and how you want your website address to look.
Start at
If you are ok with a website name such as (instead of and are a very beginner then go straight to Start there and set up an account. You can create a website directly with as the host – it’s easy and there are great advantages to it. Create a site first, and then, after mastering that you can create a site very easily.
I hope that you follow that. It is kind of confusing. But the following might help to clear it up. Right now you are on, I set this up myself with wordpress as the platform and it is hosted through Bluehost (a website hosting service). Go to and you will see a site that I set up before this site to learn how to use wordpress. It is just like a site that you can set up right now.
I love The tutorials are great. You get good advice. It’s a good community and you can see how other folks set up their blogs. Once you master the skills of a hosted site you can transfer them directly to creating your own site, And, best of all bluehost has a tool for migrating an existing website directly to bluehost, so none of your work gets lost.
Start at!
Direct host on bluehost
Ok, now we can discuss the second way that you can start a wordpress based website to start Go to the wordpress hosting page at bluehost. I will leave it to the bluehost guys to guide you through the process. They make it pretty easy withvideos as they have a bluehost channel on youtube and honestly the learning curves are worth going through on their site because you can trust them. Other domain hosting services are not quite so new user friendly. Using bluehost will save you some hassles. Here is the “getting started” page.
I will see you here after you are set up with your wordpress website. Go ahead and select a theme or use the one that they give you. I personally like 2010, because I got used to it, but the newer themes are more user friendly to mobile devices so you might want to consider this.
*Total geek disclaimer time: I am not a tech guy and of course there are a thousand ways that you can set up a wp website. I am offering friendly advice for newbies that is based on my experience. If you have suggestions please let me know.
coinology workshop
Coinology 101
Start Collecting Coins for Fun and Profit!
The beauty of searching coins is that you can start with almost nothing.
Kingston Library, Saturday February 16th, 2pm
“The secret of coin collecting is that the most valuable coins are circulating and anyone can find them. I search pennies with my kids…it’s a great family hobby!” KF
“I always thought coin collecting was really hard. I didn’t realize that with a little practice I could find valuable coins right in my pocket change!” TM
Workshop is open to newcomers of all ages – children 10 and under with parent or guardian please.
How does energy healing relate to caregiving?
Most people think that energy healing is a pie in the sky, far out, only for Woodstock type of thing. Well, the latest research is discovering that this simply isn’t so.
Energy healing occurs when you say hello to someone on the street with a smile on your face. It happens when you think of someone and wish them well.
In fact energy healing is all about intention. Technique is not critical. You hardly have to know anything about qi, the chakras, or the meridians.
Here is a video to watch and then let me know what you think.
I think that if we work on our presence, our mindfulness, our attention (and intention) we are all energy healers.
Treating cancer with Energy Healing. Terrific interview with Bill Bengston
Treating cancer with Energy Healing (including the Bengston Method): Bill Bengston interview with Michall Jeffers The best interview, that I’ve EVER seen on the subject of hands on healing.
A Surprising Find
Every once in a while we stumble upon a site that honestly reflects the nature and intentions of the person behind it. At the same time it may even give us some worthwhile resources. This is a good combination! So is worth checking out. You will find something there and it is the good energy and compassionate intention of Ulla Mentzel, M.A.